Claremorris in the rare oul’ times
‘Tis fierce mild.
Lovely start to the year. Christmas was great, and ended up being a much needed holiday. It was probably the first time I’ve had a chance to switch off my brain in about 4 months, and when I realised that’s what needed to be done, I went with it.
I had my January already all planned out, ready to rock on the 2nd, as I don’t believe in punishing yourself with effort and abstinence on the 1st when you’re hungover and sleep deprived. Sure the way it fell, Monday wasn’t ‘til the 6th, the New Year was as late starting as it could be!
So I just went with the Christmas and the celebrations. It was a good time to reflect, to regroup and planning for the next few steps.
Switch off your brain to reflect. Not ‘reflecting’ by sitting and thinking – contemplating – but by listening and keeping your attention open. Just be yourself and pay attention to how people respond to you. Everyone’s just winging it, and any interaction can be positive or negative. If you’re in good form you’ll see it in the people you meet.
It’s not like you’ve a duty to put on a brave face and please everyone you meet. But just remember that your own mood will be dictated by the responses of the people you come across throughout the day, the month and the year. Most of the time no-one even knows what they’re reacting to. There’s an energy to real positivity though. I don’t mean the forced shiny happy people face – no-one believes it, even if they’re not sure why.
Real, deep and meaningful positive energy which comes from a place of positive action and momentum. People can sense that too, even if they’re not sure why.
You can read all about it in a physics book.
That’s the reflection. Listen to that, the responses from others, to see where you’re at. And it was nice. And by listening you get to see how everyone else is getting on as well.
Staying connected with home is good. And being at home and in the place that’s most familiar to you, around the people who, despite not seeing as much of as you used to, are most familiar to you, is a great way to stay sane. Make sure you’re not floating off adrift into the night.
I had some great catch-ups with friends. A good catch-up is inspiring as well as comforting. And I’ve had my fill of pints and conversations for now, I can get on with the New Year (capitals deliberate).
I’m all about the New Year’s Resolutions. And plans and goals and so on. So excited about them that I started mine in September. Sick fucker. I’ve lived my whole life by the academic calendar though, either as a student or a teacher, or this year: both. It makes it a lot easier to hit the ground running in January. I’ve actually been looking forward to it.
I’d give myself a C+ for adherence to September’s resolutions up until Christmas, but I’ve been flying it for the last week.
The last couple of months felt like I was spinning plates towards Christmas time between work, college, writing, trying to stay somewhat mentally and physically fit (non-negotiable at this stage of my life). As much as I want to work and ‘get as much done’ all the time as I can, I’m really feeling like staying healthy is the priority, or the rest of it is pointless. Abraham Lincoln allegedly had a line about keeping his ‘axe sharp’ for solving problems.
I think I just about managed it all with mostly success though.
Getting everything done but I felt like it could have been easier if I’d been a little bit more disciplined.
Christmas was very much welcomed, in ways I didn’t realise I needed. It provided some short- and long-term down time, and it’s amazing how drinking for two weeks can have such a positive effect on your mind and body. It’s all in how you go about it. It’s felt like a much needed reset I’m rarely ever able to give myself. The socialising, being at home and not letting myself work for a couple of weeks really did the trick. Take a step back to take a step forward.
My first ever dry January now, and I’ve a stag right bang in the middle of it. So it goes. I’ve already had a couple of single creamy pints and Irish coffees anyway. They were in the good company; such instances where having a drink is far and away the right thing to do. More like I’m diverting my energy and attention elsewhere for the next few weeks than going completely dry.
A week into the new year and I’m loving being back to work. I’ve set myself a challenge of posting something every day of the month, regardless of quality. Just to work up a habit. Hence why this is a bit waffly. Who knows, maybe there’s something useful in all of it.
I’ve a massive backlog of things I’ve wanted to write about for the last year or more and I’m hoping to clear out a lot of them before long. Who knows what’ll pop into my head then? I also want to put together more articles that ties in with my Psychology and Well-being course, I’m sure some of it might be useful to someone who stumbles across it if I can get it across in the right way. It’d want to be.
I’m excited about 2020.
Happy new year, and may your path not be easy.