Category: Wellbeing
Why I Ran the Clew Bay Half Marathon
Learning to Surf #1 – Waiting
The Letterkeen Loop and Nephin Beg Wilderness
The marking of the Wild Atlantic Way through Mayo and an overdue rise in interest in the great outdoors in Ireland has seen a welcome influx of visitors to a part of the country overlooked compared to Cork, Kerry and Galway. But you still don’t have to go too far to find the Loneliest Place in Ireland – and one of the best spots in the country to get lost.
Memories of Clare Island
Learning How to Stand Around – How Practicing Yoga Has Improved My Life
Mountains beyond mountain. Photo by Yannic Läderach on Unsplash It started as a physical thing I’ve been doing yoga on and off, regularly and irregularly, for a few years now. Like a lot of lads, I started because I was interested in the physical side of it: the stretching, the flexing, the strength training that…
How Social Media Has Fueled a Healthy Running Habit During Lockdown
Photo by Fitsum Admasu on Unsplash After the scorching bank holiday weekend, I’ve realised that I might never have spent so much of my regular time outdoors as during the lockdown. In the last couple of months I’ve taken to running, walking, cycling and even just sitting outside as much as possible, often for a couple of hours…
What Running Means to Me During Lockdown
Photo by Nathalie Désirée Mottet on Unsplash That’s not me in the photo obviously, but you get the idea. Running during lockdown – running away from home, if you will – has made me realise just all the things other than training that I love about the sport: the non-competitive, non-performance-enhancement side. To me they’re just as important…